

1. Think of the naysayers who doubted you... Now go dominate!

2. If you're reading this trust & believe you're going to make it...

3. When your mindset changes so will your money!

4. Your problems are nowhere as big as your potential. You got this!

5. The more I help my team win the more I win. I'm making people win big!

6. Like this if you believe in Law of Attraction!

7. Remove the word "hope" Replace with: "It's done, that's it... period."

8. Only surround yourself with people who force you to level up...

9. If you see this I believe in you and hope you achieve all your dreams.

10. Faith will beat fear every time...

11. It's not who's going to let me but who's going to stop me...

12. The more you want others to win, the more you win.

13. Limits only exist in your mind...

14. It's okay to live a life others don't understand...

15. Decide you want it more than you are afraid of it...

16. It's not you against the world... It's you against yourself.

17. You're here to do amazing things... I believe in you.

18. They laugh at your dreams... Until you start getting paid.

19. Want things in your life to change? Change things in your life...

20. Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless.

21. Everything comes to you at the right time. Be patient and trust the process.

22. Network marketing gives people the ability to design the life they want!

23. If you want to help the poor, don’t be one of them.

24. Don't get upset by the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do.

25. Stop looking at your team as a paycheck and start helping them make paychecks!

26. No one is coming to save you! This life is 100% your responsibility!

27. If you don’t have confidence you will always find a way to lose.

28. There are two secrets to success. 1. Never tell everything you know

29. It’s an incredible time to be an entrepreneur!

30. 97% of the people who quit too soon are employed by the 3% who never give up!

31. If you don't create a long term plan, you'll create a long term struggle!

32. Empires aren't build in a day, they are built everyday!

33. Be so positive that negative people don’t want to be near you!

34. Residual income is the only true path to financial freedom!

35. To get rich, you have to be making money while you're asleep!

36. If you run around with nine broke people, you'll be the tenth!

37. If you don't plan your time, someone else will help you waste it.

38. You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily!

39. Once you make the decision to go 'All In" everything becomes so much easier!

40. If you hang around 5 broke people, you will be the 6th.

41. Don’t just commit to the sprint. Commit to the Marathon!

42. Having true residual income means you never have to start over!

43. Your income will get serious as soon as you do.

44. Grind so hard you don't have time to post inspirational quotes about the grind!

45. If you want to be an entrepreneur, it's not a job, it's a lifestyle!

46. Mindset is what separates the best from the rest!

47. If you're seeing this post, just know I appreciate you in my life!

48. Believe in your hustle, not luck!

49. My life will always revolve around bae...business and entrepreneurship

50. I'm broke... The two words people will use as motivation or as an excuse.

51. Blessings are coming your way.

52. If you're reading this just know I appreciate you.

53. Like this if you love being an Entrepreneur!

54. Don't let small minds make you think your dreams are too big.

55. Believe you deserve it and the Universe will serve it!

56. A million dollars or a million excuses. You can only have one.

57. Your life becomes a masterpiece when you master peace.

58. There's 7 days in the week... “Someday” isn't one of them.

59. Stop yourself from stopping yourself.

60. Greats know they're great before anyone else thinks it.

61. If you're reading this I hope something great happens to you today!

62. Any setback is a setup for a major comeback.

63. I hope the Universe delivers major blessings in your life today.

64. Work while they party so you can party while they work.

65. Once you lose your excuses you'll find your results.

66. 4 words that kill success: “I'll think about it”.

67. You attract what you are. If you want great, be great.

68. If it doesn't affect your pay then don't let it affect your day.

69. Always choose to be a warrior instead of a warrior.

70. Make peace with your past so it doesn't spoil your present.

71. People won't understand your grind if God didn't give them your vision.

72. Law of Attraction is life changing.

73. Stop saying “why me” and start saying “try me”.

74. Be friends with people who pray for you, not prey on you.

75. Don't be the fish of the sea, be the shark of the ocean.

76. People may doubt what you say, but they'll believe what you do.

77. You can be miserable or motivated. The choice is yours.

78. You can't be a millionaire without thinking like one.

79. There's 3 choices: Give up, give in, or give it all you got.

80. The best is yet to come. Be patient.

81. Main reason people fail is cause they listen to friends, family, and neighbors.

82. All the late nights, missed parties, and early mornings will be worth it.

83. Once you stop slacking you'll start stacking.

84. Shoutout to all Entrepreneurs going after their goals. You guys rock!

85. Pain you feel today will be strength you feel tomorrow.

86. Most people settle. Don't be most people.

87. God's plan is bigger than your past.

88. If someone says “you can't” that's their limits not yours.

89. More actions, less distractions.

90. When you become a diamond you'll see why life had to pressure you.

91. Action takers are money makers.

92. Win in your mind and you'll win in your reality.

93. You can achieve it. End of story.

94. Success happens when you go from hoping to knowing.

95. Refuse to be average and choose to be awesome.

96. If you see it in your mind you'll hold it in your hand.

97. You can have, be, or do anything you want in life.

98. Others don't determine your future, you do.

99. Grind now, shine later.

100. Never overestimate your problems and underestimate yourself.