


Team GoodLife Quotes


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This is to help everyone on the team, because some people have a hard time thinking of things to post on their page each day. These are the Team Good Life quotes

1. Turn down your feelings
Turn up your hustle! #TeamGoodLife
2.80% of Billionaires don’t have a college Degree. Let that sink in for a second #TeamGoodLife
3. There are no shortcuts to success… But I would much rather start my own business and have the opportunity to retire within 3-5 years
Instead of working for someone else my whole life and retiring in 40 years (Age 65)
4. your income doesn’t change until you do, If you don’t change your mindset and start doing something different then you will continue to struggle. Trust me, you don’t want to be in the same situation you’re in right now 5 years from now.. If you have been working a 9-5 job for the past 5 years and your still broke… then it’s time to do something different…
5. When was the last time your boss hit you up and said “Hey, you good?, Everything alright? Just checking on you? You need anything?”. You can either start building your own dream or build someone’s else. Some of you deserve more, some of you work harder than others, you deserve better. I’m not saying “Come Join MCA”, but start working for yourself (Find a good business) because you will get rewarded based upon your efforts, not based on what a person thinks you are worth #TeamGoodLife
6. If You think starting a business is hard? Try setting your alarm to 6:00 am For the next 40 years. #TeamGoodLife
7. Nobody ever got rich working a 9-5 job….
Ask your parents.. #TeamGoodLife
8. Instead of focusing on all the negative stuff going on in your life… Start focusing on the positive stuff.
I only focus on my goals, and that’s why I accomplish them every time. #TeamGoodLife
9. Life is a game, Money is how we keep score
10. 97% of the world works for the 3% of people who didn’t give up on their dreams
11. I wasn’t put on this earth to just work a 9-5 job, Struggle, Pay bills and die..
What type of life is that? Find you some Goals… But until then, I’m in full grind mode.
12. You know why you never see a Ferrari, Bentley or Bugatti commercial? Because the people watching TV can’t afford them‼
13. When you have a million dollar vision, don’t surround yourself with 1 cent minds
14. Stay Lowkey, Stay Focused & Stay Hustling #TeamGoodLife
15. I told them to get money that’s the best solution..
It’s time to make more money & less excuses #TeamGoodLife
16. I know some people be like “There goes that guy again with his dumb business.” Well yeah there goes that money into my bank account every Friday Just saying #TeamGoodLife
17. A head full of FEARS has no space for DREAMS!!
18. Them – “Eric how come I never see you at the club anymore?”
Me – How come I never see you at the bank ?
19. Life is too short to get rich slow! #TeamGoodLife
20. In life you have 2 Choices
Become a entrepreneur
Or work for one
21. The road to success is not straight. There is a curb called Failure, a loop called Confusion; speed bumps called Friends; red lights called Enemies;caution lights called Family. You will have flats called jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination; an engine called Perseverance; insurance called Faith, and a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called Success
22. Successful people walk by faith and not by sight, unsuccessful people walk by sight and not by faith they must have a perfect logic to take action. For example, “If I work 40 hours, it’s a for sure check $ (perfect logic)”. Walking by faith, “I’m going to join a business, I have no idea what’s coming to me, but I believe.”
23. They can take away everything but they will never take away my hustle.
24. The same people who say “money isn’t everything” are the same people who look forward to payday every Friday.
25. Every time you take yourself to a new level prepare for a new devil. #Levels #TeamGoodLife
26. Play BROKE and watch all your so called friends Disappear.
27. I’m trying to get rich, so I had to stop making poor decisions #TeamGoodLife
28. An honest enemy is always better than a friend who lies.. Pay less attention to what people say, and more attention to what they do.. Their actions will always show you the truth…
29. I take this business opportunity very serious because being broke ain’t funny.
30. I don’t regret my past, I just regret the time I’ve wasted with the wrong people
31. If hard labor was the secret to becoming wealthy, every construction worker and waitress would be a millionaire.
It’s not about how hard you work. It’s about working smarter #TeamGoodLife
32. Some thought the grass was greener on the other side, but they didn’t see the snakes in it.. #TeamGoodLife
33. We are not the same. You want a piece of the pie, I want the recipe. #GoodLife
34. 353,000 people are born each day around the world…
255 people are born each minute…
4 people are born each second…
Every day someone is turning 18.
How can network marketing ever become saturated
35. Stack your money and Act broke #TeamGoodLife
36. Either Stay Broke or get Rich…Pick One, You can be broke & lazy if you want to … but I’ma keep grinding and chasing these Millions #TheGrindIsReal #TeamGoodLife
37. Everyone claims to be a Boss until it’s time to invest money… If you’re scared to invest money then your not a real Boss. #GoodLife
38. Be patient It’s coming even if you don’t see it… Just keep Grinding #NeverGiveUp
39. ( YOU ) Know who’s going to make you successful in this world? Look at the first word
40. I couldn’t change the people around me, so I had to CHANGE the people around me #GoodLife
41. Don’t get money and go back hanging with people that don’t have nothing…. You gone end up broke again.. Hang around whatever got you the money
If you hang around 4 broke people, you will be the 5th one. If you hang around 4 successful people, you will be the 5th one!
42. Blockbuster video passed on buying Netflix for $40 million because they didn’t understand the business module .To different from traditional thinking.
Now Blockbuster has shut down and Netflix has over 80 million customers . Don’t be like Blockbuster. Be open to new ways of doing business
43. You see a persons true colors, when you are no longer beneficial to their life!
44. When people laugh at your dreams…
Laugh back at their reality. 🙂
45. What’s taken for granted will eventually be taken away… Always be grateful!! #TeamGoodLife
46. Friends won’t pay you any attention until they see strangers celebrating your accomplishments!
47. It’s Way too many relationship goals
But Not enough Life goals
48. If You think investing $40 to start a business is hard? Try setting your alarm to 6:00 am to go to a 9 to 5 that you hate! For the next 40 years.. Now that’s hard
49. In the beginning whenever your dead broke, they’ll ask why are you doing it?
But whenever you get money and become successful, they’ll ask how did you do it.. #TeamGoodLife #Vision
50. Blessings can be right around the corner, but some people never leave the block.. #GetOffTheBlock #TeamGoodLife
51. That moment one of your neighbors ask you “Do you work?” they see you at home chillin everyday…
Trust me we working.. Getting that internet money
#TeamGoodLife #GrindingOnMySmartPhone
52. While you praying for my downfall, I’m praying for your come up…people now days don’t wanna see the next person succeed, And this is the same reason why some people will continue to struggle. Positive vibes only #GoodLife
53. The excuses people come up with …
Grown adults afraid of investing in themselves..
54. Consistency is the key and keys open doors.. 🗝
55. Shout out to all the quitters out there… Now you can just sit back,
grab some popcorn and watch the people who didn’t quit. #FullGrindMode
56. Hu$tle until your haters ask if your hiring! #TeamGoodLife
57. You have a million dollars in your brain you just have to figure out how to get it out of there. #TeamGoodLife
58. A real man ball out with the same woman he was broke with…
59. Lions sleep 18hrs a day, donkeys work 18hrs a day. If hard work was the ONLY secret to success, the donkey would be the King of the Jungle. Let that sink in… Work smarter not harder.
60. *I Get a person like this everyday*
Boss: Before you can work here, you will need to buy your uniform and shoes.. It costs $35
Person: Yes Boss. Whatever you say You are my Master
Professional Marketer: Before you get things kicked off, you need to start your business.. It costs $35.
Person: Are you trying to scam Me? Since you’re always talking about money and helping people, let me borrow it and I’ll pay you back..
Closed-minded people , SMH.
61. I can’t complain about having a lot on my plate when my goal was to eat
62. Average people call me crazy, But smart people call me for advice
Now Let’s get to these millions
#SelfMade #GoodLife #No925Lifestyle
63. If you think because you have a college degree that makes you
better than someone else think again.
The value of a degree is decreasing.
Anything you can learn in college I can learn on Google & Youtube
64. Once you experience working for yourself you would never want to work for anyone else ever again
65. Never Trade respect for attention… #GoodLife
66. If you need permission from your Gf , BF , Husband or Wife to join any business then your not a boss . Stick to working a 9 to 5 .
67. Not everyone will make it to your future, some people are just passing through to teach you lessons in life.
68. Be picky with who you invest your time in
Wasted time is worse than wasted money…
69. Some people will plan for tomorrow and not even have today planned out…
Let that sink In….
70. Eventually everything falls into place. You will reach the levels your mentors once reached and sometimes you might even surpass them. That’s the beauty of life, your background does not define where you are going, only your ambition does.
71. Take a Risk and live the life you want to live. Or don’t take the risk and struggle for the rest of your life… Your choice…
72. People claim to be the Boss until it’s time to invest.. #BossUp #GoodLife
73. It cost $0 to think like a Millionaire.. #TeamGoodLife
74. Time waits for no one. Sometimes you have to make your move before you’re ready. You can’t move forward if you stand still. Things may happen to you that you can’t anticipate. Roll with the punches and keep moving. If you want more you have to become more.
75. “It’s too risky” says your parents
“It’s too hard” says your friends
“It’s impossible” says your wallet
“I hate being broke, I’m going for it” says your gut
#Listentoyourgut #TakeARisk
76. Want to kill your haters? Be successful, they hate that more than anything.. #No925Lifestyle #TeamGoodLife
77. Roll up on that cute girl in the bar and ask her out.
Roll up on that good looking guy and ask him out for a coffee.
Roll up to the Gym and get in the best shape of your life.
Roll up and motivate and inspire other people.
Roll up on that business idea and make it happen. Chase your Dreams.
Because being 50,60,70,80,90 and having regrets that you didn’t swing the bat is the WORST REGRET OF THEM AL
78. I’m not trying to make it to Hollywood, I’m trying to make it to Forbes #TeamGoodLife
79. 6+4=10 but so does 5+5.The way you do things are not always the only way to do them. Respect other people’s way of thinking and doing things. It’s different Formula’s to becoming successful. Figure out your formula and stick to it. #TeamGoodLife
80. If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will go around in life thinking it’s a failure.!! #TeamGoodLife
81. Most of the people that died yesterday had plans for today. live love laugh……life is short #GoodLifeOverEverything
82. If you stop stressing about money it will come to you more freely. #GoodLifeOverEverything
83. Behind every successful man there are a few surprised haters and ex girlfriends.
84. Child support,disability and welfare is NOT RESIDUAL INCOME!!!
85. If you’re chasing the limelight, please know that it will shine on your flaws too
86. Chase the dream not the competition.
87. We have to win because everyone else is losing
88. My mom and dad worked too hard for me not to be great
89. I worked a job for nearly 4 years and couldn’t manage to save $1,000 or $2,000 in my bank account. Now I stack a cool $15,000+ every month. MCA is a blessing. Not to mention my other business ventures #TeamGoodLife
90. If all I’m remembered for is being a successful entrepreneur,then I have done a bad job at the rest of my life.
91. There’s a difference between somebody who wants you and somebody who would do anything to keep you. REMEMBER THAT! #TeamGoodLife
92. I’m just Planning my work and working my plan #GoodLife
93. See it’s all fun and games when they see you selling Roadside Assistance…until you start making $15k a month. Well of course that’s when people get a straight face. #GoodLife
94. As you take a breath right now, somewhere in the world someone is taking their last. Learn to appreciate life, never take it for granted.You are blessed. #Blessed
95. Investing in a good woman will double your intelligence, triple your empire, and secure your happiness. #GoodLife
96. If you let a person speak long enough, they’ll tell you everything you need to know.
Listen twice,speak once. #TeamGoodLife
97. Motivation and deodorant don’t last long that’s why I recommend it daily #TeamGoodLife
98. A bad attitude is like a flat tire. You wont go to far until you change it. #GoodLife
99. People that are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. #GoodLifeOverEverything
100. Don’t just talk about it, be about it!!. Success follows shortly after. #GoodLife
101. Never mind what haters say, ignore them until they fade away. #TeamGoodLife
102. Whats the purpose of working if you cant really live life? #GoodLife
103. It’s a lonely road to success, over 99% of the people you know desire for you to fail! But those who don’t will grow with you and be there to enjoy the glories when they come let’s work! #TeamGoodLife
104. The world is yours, you can truly have anything that you desire as long as you actually believe it.. You must be able to visualize it for it to actually happen #GoodLifeOverEverything
105. While those who are scared of risk live in fear, us who are willing to take the risk are living our dreams… #TeamGoodLife
106. Stop talking about it, and start Grinding…Real bosses move in silence and let success do the talking.. #GoodLife
107. Create a plan, execute it, and watch as your goals start appearing at your doorstep. Never give up, that’s for the weak! #TeamGoodLife
108. Boss up or get left Behind #GoodLifeOverEverything
109. The biggest risk, Is not taking a risk at all.. #GoodLife
110. The sky is not the limit. The limit is your vision #TeamGoodLife
111. Success gives you the people you want.
Struggle gives you the people you need. #WeWinning #GoodLife
112. Don’t downgrade your DREAMS to please someone else’s REALITY! #TeamGoodLifeForever
113. Once they start seeing your success, their favorite word is “You Changed”
114. It’s not about what you can do.. It’s about what you can help others do
115. If your not willing to die for your W.H.Y you won’t make it! #JustBeingHonest
116. People LOVE to give advice on someone’s life but REFUSE to apply it to theirs.
117. Action pays! #GoodLifeOverEverything
Talk keeps you broke!
118. I’m looking for ONLY 5 People to work and make $ with online!
Like & comment for info!
119. One thing about me is that I will NEVER change but I will ALWAYS grow!
120. You text me that you can’t afford to start a business from a $700 smartphone! hmm… Something is wrong with this situation. #SomethingIsFishy
121. People will jump out of a plane but say online businesses are risky!
122. Life never becomes easier. We just become stronger! #TeamGoodLife
123. When you put PEOPLE On and help them out… Then the income will follow you right after. #TeamGoodLifeForever
124. If you accept someone’s opinion you better accept their lifestyle too
125. Every Day is Pay day over here at Team Good Life!! #GoodLifeOverEverything
126. Distance yourself from negativity and great things will happen. Good morning!
127. If reincarnation were real, what animal would you come back as in your next life?
Post your choice below and tell me why!
128. Tearing someone down doesn’t build you up. It means you will always be under them
129. People hate on other peoples success as if they don’t have the same 24 hours in a day
130. Stop going broke trying to impress worthless people
131. People don’t remember what you did They remember how you made them feel
132. If people don’t cherish your presence, Make them respect your absence
133. People WANT a better life until it requires the work to EARN IT.
134. People want to work for EVERYONE but themselves.
135. Stop listening to people that don’t have a bank account…. #JustSaying
136. I VALUE my time TOO much to waste it on someone who doesn’t value theirs.
137. It’s not about the grades you make. It’s about the hands you shake.
#Connections #GoodLifeFamily
138. If your parents still work a Job an your still partying every weekend.. Delete me!
139. Stop hating on the next man just because he’s doing better than you. Why hate when It’s enough money out here for everybody…… You just gotta stop being lazy and get up and Get to the Money! #TeamGoodLife
140. If money is your ONLY passion in life you will NEVER achieve happiness, because money is numbers an numbers never end. #GoodLife
141. work smarter not harder… Some of yall work 10-14 hours a day, 5 days a week for $9 an hour. then you go straight to sleep whenever you get off work… then you wake up and do the same thing all over again… and your check on Friday doesn’t even cover all of your bills… What type of Life is that? #TeamGoodLife
142. Time waits for no one. Sometimes you have to make your move before you’re ready. You can’t move forward if you stand still. Things may happen to you that you can’t anticipate. Roll with the punches and keep moving. If you want more you have to become more. #GoodLifeOverEverything
143. If you don’t have any haters, then your not doing something right….get you some haters
144. I wouldn’t be able sleep at night if I knew I only had $10 to my name. I would be up grinding all night!! Idk that’s just me though… #TheGrindisReal #GoodLifeForever
145. It takes money to make money, even the 12 year old selling lemonade understands that.. #Hustle #TeamGoodLife
146. 3 words, Law of Attraction #GoodLifeOverEverything
147. Being broke and skeptical is a terrible combination #JustSaying
148. A 9 to 5 job won’t supply the type of Lifestyle I plan to live….y’all can have that $10 an hour, $80 a day job.. My time is worth way more than that… I’m too busy chasing millions not pennies
149. the risk takers and the people who are in the game are the only ones who will get ahead in Life and become successful… the side line watchers will always keep struggling… those are the ones who always complain about being broke but they don’t do nothing about it.. or they’re to scared to take a risk…
no worries just keep watching me from the side lines.
150. They tried to bury me, but they didn’t realize I was a seed
151. Some PEOPLE want to see everything go WRONG for you because nothing is going RIGHT for them.
152. If Someone wanted me to write a book on my success it wouldn’t be much to write.
Saw a great opportunity 4 years ago when I was broke…told other broke people…a couple broke people listened to me, the others told me it was a scam and it would be a waste of time.
The broke people that listened, well we all quit working are 9 to 5 job 2 years ago, and now were just making money from home and enjoying life with no worries. & well those other broke people who said it was a scam and a waste of time…. Well, they’re still broke.
The end
153. If you been working at a job for more than a year now, and your still broke… I think its time to try something different… Because that’s obviously not working. just saying
154. The realest thing I’ve heard all day*
Me : so what’s holding you back from joining?
Prospect : Fear but i’d rather do it and make nothing than to not do it and sit around wondering
155. There will be haters, there will be doubters, there will be non-believers and then there will be me, proving them wrong!
156. Sometimes you just have to sit back and just be thankful you are alive. Life is a gift… Its the greatest gift anyone could ever ask for… #TeamGoodLife
If you’re not grateful for what you already have, why should you be blessed with more
157. I fell so many times, but only the haters are keeping count. I heard the laughs, and I saw the smirks, and I felt the pain. It seems they always take shots at you from a safe place. While I was on the ground I realized I only had 2 choices…..Give up or Get up. Guess what I chose? Remember this….The struggle is real but the grind is realer.
158. If you didn’t know Your friends, family and loved ones will be the first to talk you out of greatness!
159. Helping others is the biggest payoff their is. But some peoples Goal is to Struggle. Evidence shows, if they go to sleep without trying to get out the struggle everyday. They’ve accomplished their Goal. You can’t help these people.
160. Ladies if you don’t want a broke man, then your gonna have to put up with a busy man #Truth
161. Having 2 to 3 jobs isn’t GRINDING, that’s SLAVING! #BecomeYourOwnBoss
162. Get you a girl that rather get money with you than from you.
163. What age will you become a Millionaire? Comment Below
164. Your GROWTH scares people who don’t want to change.
165. DON’T wait until someone dies to show them your Love and Support. Life is short!
166. The best time to plant a Tree was 20yrs ago.
The next best time is NOW!
167. If you have a 9-5, you have from 5-9 to change that!
168. When you become serious about your life, your circle is supposed to become smaller.
Your vision becomes clearer & you realize less is more!
169. Rich people take advice from people who are richer than they are.
Broke people take advice from their friends, who are just as broke as they are. #TeamGoodLife
170. So many people owe me my Time back… Like if you Agree
171. Just DELETED 1,000 more people and more to go!
LIKE this if you want to stay! Only if your serious about making money with me.
172. People show their true colors, unintentionally.
So pay attention.
173. STOP hanging out with people who don’t want to Win!
174. Were all headed to the Top as a Team! #TeamGoodLife
175. Team Work, Makes the Dream Work #TeamGoodLife
176. An Extra $500 A week Who needs it?
176. NEVER discuss Winning with Losers, it’s not their language. #GoodLifeOverEverthing
177. Never argue with an idiot, people watching wont be able to tell the difference.
178. Best things to do: Mind your business, get Money & stay out of your feelings. #TeamGoodLifeForever
179. Your BIGGEST hater could be your closest friend. People pretend well.
180. They told me I was Different, best compliment EVER! Lol 🙂
181. People show their true colors, unintentionally.
So pay attention
182. Dating a guy because of his financial status also counts as prostitution
183. Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It is YOUR masterpiece
184. The difference between a Rich mind a Poor one is information.
A Poor mind cannot think a Rich thought!
185. Don’t be afraid of being out numbered. Eagles fly alone & Pigeons flock together
186. Tip: Just because a door is hard to open…. doesn’t mean it’s locked.
187. Hey call you lucky, but have no idea how hard you worked. Salute to everyone grinding and hustling everyday
188. You can, you should. And if u are brave enough to start, u will!
189. Sometimes it takes 5-10 years to get to that 1 year that will change your life. #NeverGiveUp
190. They doing everything in their “POWER” to keep you from creating wealth.
Tv shows 📷📺
Music 📷🎧
Media 📷🎥
School Debt 📷💰
Low Paying Jobs 📷👎🏽
Racism 📷🙎🏻‍♂️ vs. 📷🙋🏽‍♂️
Negativity on Social Media 📷💻
All of this distracts you from your true purpose. This is why you see everyone talking about everything on social media EXCEPT building our communities up, supporting each other or building wealth together.
191. Why watch others Become Successful when you are fully capable yourself. #TeamGoodLife
192. Sometimes, you just got to believe and I mean believe with everything you’ve got that your dreams will come true…even when there is no evidence that things will ever work out for you.
193. You must be willing to ago alone!!! It’s your dream, not theirs. Many people always want company. Come with me here, come with me there. Come with me to eat, come with me to the movies. Learn to be on your own. Once you do, you’ll learn how to manage friendships. You’ll see who’s really wasting your time & who’s actually worth your time. Major key to success (DJ Khaled voice)
194. I’m So busy with my own game I don’t have time to criticize yours.
195. An Extra $1,000 a week from posting ads on Facebook who needs it?
196. If you care what everyone thinks, nothing will get done. Does a CEO ask a receptionist how to run the business? Be picky with opinions!
197. Maybe if you knew how much I’ve lost, it wouldn’t bother you so much when I win.
198. Your presence should be felt the moment you walk into any room or place. As an entrepreneur you should be 100% confident in your abilities and what you are capable of.
199. Hit like if you want to make at least $100,000 in the next 12 months
200. You work hard to be seen, I work hard to disappear! #GoodLife
201. When you start having some type of success… be ready for the “stay humble” or “money isn’t everything” comments.
If you’re acting the fool and bashing everyone… yes, check yourself.
But most of the time is people who see that you’re moving on. Basically telling you to don’t get so high on yourself but in a nice way. One has the right to want to be successful and make a great income. But you doing it while they watch won’t be pleasant for everyone.
The truth is you’re not working this hard to be in the same place or even be the same. Don’t allow what others expect of you to hold you back from creating your dreams and living a meaningful life.
202. Never give up on your dreams… And if you fail. At least you died trying.
203. Far too many people have no idea of what they can do. Some days you just got to BOSS up. Speak up, even if your voice shakes.
204. I love seeing people TRY, it inspires me… seeing new members TRYING really gets to me. Makes me choke up a bit to see the struggle in their eyes & real genuine effort. I see all the flaws and what they need to improve on… it’s like seeing myself on the mirror when i first got started. Effort baby… that’s all that matters. Experience comes with time… we all have to start somewhere.
205. Don’t worry what anybody else is doing. Stay on your hustle. You can’t fail until you quit.
206. It gets really hard, right before you succeed, don’t ever give up!
207. Rich people act Broke, Broke People act Rich… You see the Difference
208. Nothing will work for you unless you are willing to work for it
209. Everybody Claims to be a boss until it’s time to invest
210. The same people have asked me for “info” for a year now. When are you going to take action?
211. Don’t expect people to understand your grind when God didn’t give them your vision!
212. Don’t complain about being broke if never do anything about!
213. MCA has been faithfully paying me every single week for the past 4 Years. Life is Great!
214. Stay true to your mission… stay true to your values
Don’t let people steer you into becoming something you’re not
215. I am a Millionaire, Speak everything into Existence and it will be your Reality #GoodLifeMillionaires
216. An extra $500 a week using your smart phone who needs it?
217. People want an M.B.A. = (Massive Bank Account), However they are clueless on how to create wealth and be R.I.C.H = (Residual Income Creates Happiness).
It’s because they continuously surround themselves with H.A.T.E.R.S = (Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success), and then wonder why they are P.O.O.R = (Passing Over Opportunity Repeatedly).

You can’t have a P.R.O.J.E.C.T.S. (People Relying On Just Enough Cash To Survive) type of mindset.You have to be willing to make that C.H.A.N.G.E = (Choosing Happiness And Never Giving Excuses) and exercise true F.A.I.T.H (Finding Answers In The Heart) along with H.O.P.E (Having Only Positive Expectations) to make that P.U.S.H (Persistent Until Something Happens)…

sometimes it’s okay to be with the right kind of C.U.L.T. (Creating Unique Lives Together) because they can help you eliminate the phrase I C.A.N.T. (I Certainly Am Not Trying) from your vocabulary
218. The only motivation you should have is seeing your parents struggle.
219. Whenever you feel like giving up, think of all the people that would love to see you fail
220. when prayers go up…. blessing come down.
221. Fake friends – you changed when you started making money
Real friends – wow you changed a lot I can see why you are so successful
222. Ladies if you don’t want a broke man, then your gonna have to put up with a busy man
223. Never eat with people you didn’t starve with.
224. I asked God to protect me from my enemies and I started loosing friends.
225. Excuses never paid my bills!… Money didn’t make me, being broke did… So if you don’t respect nothing else, you gone respect My GRIND!.. Lets Work
226. My “MAIN” Focus is to “REMAIN” Focus
227. If you’re Broke, Then you have no Business just sitting around right now… Get up and Grind!
227. Hustle or stay broke
228. Single Mothers/Fathers get all my respect #Salute
229. Take a moment to realize how blessed you are.
230. Change the way you see things…..and the things you see will change


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